Monday, August 1, 2011

Skeeter is shopping to keep herself distracted from thinking about Ailbileen and Missus Stein. She meets up with Hilly and the only thing Hilly is talking about are her new "boyfriends" who work at this huge oil company. In the last chapter she talked Skeeter into going on a double date so she agrees to go just to get Hilly to shutup. While Skeeter was shopping she bought clothes that she knew her mother would not approve of so she would change at Hillys house before they go out. But Skeeter had a little bit of trouble getting out the house because her brother was in town with his "shiny new girlfriend" and her mother wouldnt allow her to take the car. Skeeter ignored her mother and took her dads truck instead that had a trailer attached with a huge tractor sitting on top it. When Skeeter arrives at the house the first thing she notices about her date is that he is really tall and about four inches above herself. The date went horribly, both of their dates got so drunk that they needed a ride home.Skeeter went home to her mother feeling awful about how she only comes to her when something bad/depressing happens in her life.

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